Questions and Answers by email

This is a written consultation in the form of questions and answers. You can ask your questions about current or long-term issues during this session. You will receive insight, information and advice for the coming period.

Question and Answer by email

It is now possible to ask questions and receive answers by e-mail.

If you’d rather read than listen to a Wetransfer sound file or make a phonecall, this is a great alternative. It is also an easy way to get acquainted with Astrology, a personal horoscope and Lia Ouendag.

It is suitable if you want answers about current issues, questions or choices that you are about to make.

It is a short, powerful and clearly written consultation based on your Birth and Annual Horoscope.

If you need a spiritual, grounded sparring partner to have a conversation with, this consultation is for you. A written consultation for clarity and peace of mind. It can be scheduled on short notice and is often booked if you do not want an extensive annual consultation but would like direction and more confidence right here and now.

My method

To avoid misunderstandings and for people who are not yet familiar with my working method, I confirm that my horoscope interpretations are based on the real time, astronomically correct planet positions, the visible sky. My horoscope is a bridge to the language of the Universe and our hearts.

For whom

This written consultation is for anyone who wants clear answers to pressing questions. Feel free to ask!

Customer Experiences

“You answered my questions very clearly. It gave me more insight and I felt the power in the words to make a shift. It is very nice to receive it in this way. By reading it I clearly feel it is about me as if I read my own book. It really comes to my mind quiet inside.” Jorinde

“Wonderful! Thank you, I can certainly do something with this.” Andrea

“This written consultation gives me more insight and strength. That’s why this form is so valuable to me.” Thea

“Dear Lia, Thank you so much for the answers, your time and energy! It’s really incredible how you describe my current situation and also the energy I’m experiencing right now: spot-on. Everything you write resonates. I really notice that I need guidance – that I don’t have to do it all alone. Feels like a warm blanket.” Linda

“Thank you Lia for your warm, nice explanation of my questions.” Ronald

“Lia thank you for the clear explanation and I feel what you write.” Henry



  • Preparations of 1 hour
  • A personal written consultation with clear answers to your 4 questions via email
  • € 175,- including tax

How does it work?

  • Write your questions (maximum of 4) as clearly as possible in an e-mail and receive a written response from Lia with answers based on your Birth and Year Horoscope.
  • The clearer and more precise your questions are, the clearer the answers will be.
  • With the answers you will also receive information about the real sign you were born in and what your actual ascendant is.
  • This consultation is available to both existing and new clients.
  • You can write your questions in English and you will receive the answers in English as well.
  • Mail your questions together with your birth details (place, date and time) to:
  • You will shortly get an email confirmation with a specific date when you will receive the answers to your questions.

Ik wil een consult

I would like a remote reading

Ik heb een vraag

I have a question